Hey everyone,
I just got my new matchbox die from the Occasions mini and went to use it like all the other XL ones and cut my 12×12 DSP in half and guess what? It was too short. So, then I got my ruler out and measured and each piece needs to be approx. 5 1/2 by 6 1/2 and I was like "wow,that is a bummer for cutting". So, at first I cut the 12×12 at 6 1/2 and got 2 pieces out of that and then one more from the leftovers but I started thinking that I could somehow make it work to get 4 pieces out of 1 sheet and I did it! ( I used to be a math teacher). I took the back piece from a pack of DSP to make my template. I used my ruler to draw a pencil line 5 1/2 inches in from each side and you should end up with a square in the center. Using your ruler as a guide, cut the square out of the center with the craft knife. Then this is your template from now on. Each time you want to cut a piece, simply put it on top of your 12×12 paper and trace the inside of your square, Now lay the paper on your cutter and cut to the bottom left edge of each side of your square. I practiced on a piece of cardstock to see how easy it was and it literally took me about 1 minute from start to finish. Once you get the hang of it, it is super easy and will save you a bunch of paper if you are doing it for a class. Your pieces do not have to be perfect either because you have a little room around the edge of each die to work with. I hope this makes sense. Here are the pictures of the template and the finished cut one ( I practiced on scrap paper that I wasn’t going to use before I tried it on the good stuff!)…..
In case these directions have you totally confused, my friend Patty Bennett made a step by step video that shows exactly how I did it, so go check it out here …..

And here is the finished product with the Parisian Breeze paper and some Ghirardelli chocolates inside…..yum.

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What a wonderful tip! I don’t have the die yet, but you can be sure it is on my wish list!
I just saw the video on Patty’s blog and wanted to come here and thank you for your amazing information! I can’t wait until my die finally gets here 🙂
WOW! Super-Genius! I bow to your superior mathmatic abilities.
Brilliant! Thank you for the picture. This just further proved why I stink at math. I would have never thought of that.
Thanks for your inspiration! These are such a good idea for some favors I need to make.
This is so smart of you!!! I really appreciate your math skills in figuring this out. Thank you so very much for sharing this tip!!
This is such a great idea and I’m thinking, why didn’t I think of that. This cutting tip will work for other projects as well. Thanks so mcuh.
You are a lifesaver! My head would have exploded trying to figure that out 🙂 Thanks tons!
Sister, you are SO stinkin’ smart. This will save me tons of paper. 🙂 Smartie pants!
See you soon.
Wowzers! I was so BUMMED because I was wasting paper with this die! I curtsey to the queen! And while I’m here, I just want to say thanks for all your gorgeous projects. Inspiration abounds on your site!
Thank so much for sharing!
Someone shared your template idea with me and I created the template and showed it on my blog with a grad cap idea that I made with the matchbox. Now that I found out you originated this brilliant idea I added a link here to your blog. I hope that is ok. Thank you.
Monika Davis
Hi, Lisa – I finally purchased the Big Shot die and knew about Patty's great video based on your template. However, I'm also a print person and still messed up several – thank goodness now-retiring – pieces of 12X12, getting only three 5-1/2 x 6-1/2 pieces, with a 1" leftover strip! So, I ultimately linked to your blog and so appreciate your specific "cut to the bottom left edge of each side of your square." It worked perfectly and I now have my first Matchbox! Thanks for the Ghirardelli tip, too – I just happened to have some on hand waiting for another project – perfect! Thanks so much for sharing!
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